Video: The Houtkamp Collection

Some time ago we announced the arrival of The Houtkamp Collection at Capital Cars & Classics. Deeply impressed we were from the collection of classics and the perfect showroom where the icons are arranged. Fortunately Houtkamp made a video that we are happy to share with you …

The Houtkamp Collection from The Houtkamp Collection on Vimeo.

Video: The Houtkamp Collection

Enige tijd geleden kondigden wij de komst aan van The Houtkamp Collection op de beursvloer van Capital Cars & Classics. Diep onder de indruk waren wij van de collectie klassiekers en de perfecte showroom waar de iconen staan opgesteld. Gelukkig hebben de heren van Houtkamp een video gemaakt die we dan ook graag met jullie delen…

The Houtkamp Collection from The Houtkamp Collection on Vimeo.

Speed 8 Classics spectacular new exhibitor at CC&C

On a main road in the Belgian Malle, in the shadow of Antwerp, you’ll find a relatively nondescript building. However, once the doors open from Speed 8 Classics the heart of the enthusiast will beat faster with the sight of the impressive collection. But it is also the warm welcome of owner Koen Heuts that makes this company unique.


Koen has always been a petrol head, when he was a boy he offered to perform totally free work at a nearby dealership in Italian sports cars. That love for Italian cars since been a constant factor. At Speed 8 Classics you will find also many Italian thoroughbreds with Italian niche brands with an American heart as main theme. Think of De Tomaso, Iso and Bizzarrini. The most spectacular car we spotter was the Iso A3C where the “C” stands for “Competizione or Corsa”.


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Of this type, 29 examples were built, the first 5 pieces possessed a fiberglass body. It is clearly visible that this particular copy has racing history and, indeed, has the very rare fiberglass body. This A3C is technically fully restored, the fact that they have largely kept the body as it is makes this specimen magic.

The Houtkamp Collection joins CC&C

Along the Amstel River, in the shadow of Amsterdam with the Arena and Ziggo Dome almost in sight is where Ouderkerk aan de Amstel is situated. It is this rural area where the Houtkamp family has built a company of stature. Not only in terms of international fame but also because of the impressive sales collection where quality is obvious.


It was 1977 when John Houtkamp was able to make his work out of his passion for cars. In 2004 his son Rutger joined the company after his master graduation which wasn’t u huge surprise considering he grew up on the backseat of his parents car. Since he could walk he accompanied his parents to all sort of classic car meetings and events. He inherited the same passion for classic cars and as a young boy spend every available hour at the company.

Visiting the showroom of The Houtkamp Collection it is the beauty of the classic cars that amazes you, the dark colored showroom has been chosen with taste and makes the collection ultimately come into its own.


To be honest, we really wanted Houtkamp to join Capital Cars & Classics. Not only because it is almost a home game and for the family, but especially because it is a very nice addition to the already impressive range of exhibitors. The Houtkamp Collection, welcome to the second edition of Capital Cars & Classics at the 18th and 19th of March 2017!

Team CC&C bezoekt Historic Competition Services

Een bezoek aan het Belgische Historic Competition Services kijken we altijd naar uit. Goed verstopt op een industrieterrein in Wommelgem, vlakbij Antwerpen, tref je namelijk een zeer indrukwekkende verzameling klassiekers aan waarbij de nadruk ligt op vooroorlogse GT’s en racers.

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Het enthousiasme van de Britse eigenaar Julian Messent en zijn team werkt uiterst aanstekelijk waardoor de liefde voor dit soort brute machine onherroepelijk opbloeit.


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We zijn dan ook erg blij dat we hen weer mogen ontvangen op Capital Cars & Classics op 18 en 19 maart 2017!